CEO ROLLS-OUT MCM SCHOOLS’ GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATION …As MCM Schools Target Fundraising Activities for Infrastructure Development

MOPANI Copper Mines PLC Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Charles Sakanya, has launched the Golden Jubilee Celebration activities for the MCM Schools, with a call for all stakeholders to support initiatives aimed at raising resources to expand the schools’ facilities.
MCM Nkana and Mufulira schools are celebrating their 50th anniversary, having been established in 1973 at Kitana Primary School in Kitwe and Mufulira Trust School in Mufulira during the former Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM)’s reign.
Speaking during the launch in Kitwe at MCM Nkana School, Mr. Sakanya said the 50-years was a milestone that Mopani would like to leverage on and project the all-important future for the students at the MCM-run schools.
“In these 50 years, our schools have been a sanctuary of learning, a home to intellectual curiosity, and a haven for personal growth. They have shaped the lives of thousands of students who have walked through their halls, armed with knowledge, values, and a commitment to contribute to the world in a meaningful way,” he said.
“Our commitment to providing an enriching, inclusive, and quality education remains strong and unwavering. Yet, we cannot fulfil this promise alone; we need the support of everyone, especially you our dear parents and guardians.”
The MCM Schools – a primary and a secondary school in Kitwe and another set of a primary and a secondary school in Mufulira – have over the past 16 years recorded 100 percent pass rate in national examinations at grades seven, nine and 12 levels.
Mr Sakanya, however, noted that despite the excellent record of the MCM Schools, the current facilities are not able to adequately support the school population and ever rising demand for school places at the institutions.
“We are here today to seek your support as we launch the fundraising activities targeted at raising resources to expand our facilities. We need your most generous contributions: the alumni. Our business partners. The parents and guardians. The general public. Your contributions will go a long way. The resources that will be raised from these fundraising activities will go towards the initial infrastructure expansion, some maintenance and technological needs as well as paving of the school road network,” the CEO said.
Among the key activities lined up for the celebration of the MCM Schools’ Golden Jubilee are the colour festivals in both Kitwe and Mufulira, a golf tournament, fireworks display, marathon, gala dinner, a family fun day and a Zambian night.