Our Vision
To provide the best and most cost-effective health care services.
Our Mission
To ensure availability of a healthy work force for promoting community health
Our Motto
“Patients Are Our People”

About Us
Welcome to the Mopani Copper Mines PLC Medical Department. We provide the full spectrum of healthcare services, ranging from primary healthcare at hospitals and clinics to community health programmes in both Kitwe and Mufulira.
Wusakile Mine Hospital and Malcolm Watson Hospital are registered medical facilities under the British Standard International (BSI) certification number BSEN 9001: 2015. The Hospitals were established around 1935 when copper mining activities started on the Copperbelt.
Mopani Copper Mines PLC has been running the hospitals, providing high quality health care, not only to its employees but also to all citizens who seek the services.
Emergency facilities are readily available at the Mopani Emergency Control and Communication Centre (ECCC) to respond to any emergency. Our toll free lines for any emergency are 3939 for Kitwe and 5454 for Mufulira across all mobile phone networks.
Mopani Medical Departments
Operating Theatre
Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Services
Critical Care Units (ICU)
Emergency Medical Response Units
Imaging Services (Radiology & Ultrasound)
Physiotherapy Services
Internal Medicine
Paediatrics & Neonatology (Children’s Clinic)
Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Women Wellness)
Maternal & Child Health
Public Health
Occupational Health Services (Workers Fitness & Rehabilitation)
Ophthalmology (Eye Clinic)
Covid-19 Tests & Vaccination
Dental Services
General & Orthopaedic Surgery
Mortuary Services
Contact Details
Kitwe Ndola dual carriage opposite show grounds
P.O Box 21900
Malcolm Watson Hospital
Accra Street, Town Centre
P.O Box 40459
+260 212 249006
+260 212 249002
+260 212 441078
+260 212 441993
Get in touch with Us
We welcome your feedback, for our improvement and development to serve you better.
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