Education for Life
Educating the Mind, Body and Spirit
Mopani Copper Mines PLC runs two secondary schools from Grade 8 to Grade 12 in both Kitwe (MCM Nkana Secondary School) and Mufulira (MCM Mufulira Secondary School). The two schools have since 2010 recorded a 100 percent pass rate in national examinations at Grade 9 and Grade 12 levels. They are among the most sought-after schools in the two districts.
Contact Us
MCM Nkana Secondary School
P O BOX 22054
Tel No: 260 - 212 247261/ 247246/ 247245
MCM Mufulira Secondary School
P O BOX 40672
Tel No: 260 - 212 441195 / 0963 905428/ 0978180284