Following Mopani Copper Mines PLC’s sinking and equipping of the Nkana Synclinorium Shaft, the old Nkana Concentrator in operation since 1931 needed upgrading to a new and modern uprated facility to handle the increased production volume from the new shaft.
The Synclinorium Concentrator is a new 4.2 Mtpa state-of-the-art automated concentrating facility in commissioning stage since January 2022 at a cost of $220m. The plant will:
- Improve concentrate grades from 23% to 28%
- Improve copper recoveries from 89% to 94%
- Improve concentrator capacity to 4.2 Mtpa ore milled to support new shafts production
Synclinorium Concentrator features include the following technologies:
- Concentrate regrind to improve final concentrate grades
- 2 state-of-the-art Jameson Cleaners
- Larox Pressure Filtration
- Sampler design to facilitate full metal accounting
- On-stream-analyser system